End Of Times for Year 2005!
Saturday, December 31st, 2005I just realized that today its the last day of the year. Tomorrow we enter into 2006 and therefore I will say “An enjoyable New Year’s Eve & the most sensual and happy new year” to all my webcam chat hostesses and innumerable babes from all the blogs so far written by your’s truly Johnny Cam!
Earlier I was a geek for blondes and would not indulge in any other. But now I love all the beautiful and lovely ladies who work so hard to make our lives enjoyable. Just the other day someone pointed out that many people consider cybersex (webcam activity is after all a form of cybersex) a degenerated activity…and there is no substitute for the real thing! Sure this is true to some extent but consider that emoting on the webcam is one activity that carries another helpful warning…”Cyber Sex is NOT injurious to your health”. Compare this with …”Unsafe Sex is injurious to your health”! Just a Year End thought, I guess.
To conclude the year 2005 and ring in 2006, have a merry time – drinking, flirting, chatting, and participating – in the safest way known to Man!
See you next year!